Geno of Brawlhextupleyoodot on DeviantArt

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hextupleyoodot's avatar

Geno of Brawl



Here's the first artwork of my new dA profile! A little something I actually started a long while back, and I quit for a while when school and such got busy. Well it's still Christmas break for me, and I finally got back to it and finished it off!

So who is he? It's Geno from Squaresoft's Super Mario RPG! He's got a big, loyal fanbase, so I figured I'd do him justice by giving him a "next-gen" look for all those who wanted him to be in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. It took a lot of research, but I finally arrived at this look by combining concepts from both the actual game art, the in-game sprites, and a lot of renditions by fellow fans, so I hope its something everybody can... agree? on it.

Used Photoshop CS, as usual. More than 150 layers... ^^;; *phew* and 256MB of RAM... I don't know how I've survived this long. I need a new computer... Hope you enjoy it!
Image size
432x500px 72.25 KB
© 2009 - 2025 hextupleyoodot
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SuperMarioFan65's avatar
Geno would have been in the next one