Banjo and Kazooie Smashifiedhextupleyoodot on DeviantArt

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hextupleyoodot's avatar

Banjo and Kazooie Smashified



This is the third installment in the Smashified Series! You can watch the time lapse video here: (With CommentaryWithout Commentary)

As usual, this one was really challenging, and to be quite honest, I'm painfully aware that it falls short in certain respects. Banjo's face in particular proved to be very difficult for me to properly capture. I'm not sure what it is about it that gave me so much trouble. =P I hope to make some remedial tweaks to it based on people's feedback.

Like I mentioned in the video, I tried to imagine what the characters would have ended up looking like today if their visual evolution was more gradual, rather than having a particular jump where the design was reimagined from the ground up.

In other news, suggestions are changing a bit. You can now tweet directly at smashified, which is the best way to have your suggestion be seen. Comments anywhere else with #smashified also works.

Update Apr 28:
Here's the Bristle Tip settings I used to achieve the fur effect here.

Shape: Round Fan
Bristles: 9%
Length: 25%
Thickness: 1%
Stiffness: 88%
Angle: 0º (didn't use pen angle, no support using my Tablet)

Shape Dynamics > Angle Jitter > Control: Direction

Other stuff. Feel free to download and use them for stuff, but please credit if you publish it!
Banjo and Kazooie Smashified (transparent) by hextupleyoodot Banjo and Kazooie Get Jiggy With It by hextupleyoodot
Image size
1500x1501px 1.42 MB
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