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The tl; dr of it is maybe still doing 31 daily drawings during October.
I've got 31 ideas of stuff I want to do, and I'm going to work my way through them and see how things go. So, same as normal for daily challenges really lol. I'm expecting them to mostly be black and white digital line drawings, but we shall just have to see!
Despite not liking the way journals look nowadays, I will update this journal with thumbnails as it is part of the tradition for these things for me!
October 2021
Another year, another October. By my count, I've been doing this for 5 years now, with this being my 6th? Where did that time go? Like previous years, I will update this journal with thumbnails. Here we go!
August 2021
Another August, another daily drawing thing from me! By my count, I've been doing this in some form or another for 10 years? That's... quite a surprise to say the least. I'm never quite sure if this is going to be the last time I do one of these, and yet here we are, 10 years. See what happens eh?
I will try to keep this updated with thumbnails, but we shall see how this is formated nowadays.
August 2020 - moar liek 30 daily blARGust amirite
Once again it is another August and I shall do my thing where I post daily pictures. I'm, as always, planning to do the usual 30 days but we shall just have to see how it goes!
Also using this as an opportunity to test out deviantart's changes and see what works for me. I plan to update this journal with thumbnails as usual - if that is even a thing, and if it looks alright.
Update 1 - So far I'm not happy with how pasting in images into a journal is looking. I'll give it a few days and try editing some stuff later, when I have more to work with.
Update 2 - Tried doing some playing around and looking stuff up, but I sadly can't edit journals to look how I'd like them to go. So, frustratingly, I'm just gonna to paste them in as they are. Messy, but I'm at a loss at what else to do for now.
Update 3 - Having finished doing the 30 daily drawings and posting them in this journal, I'm ...not sure where I stand lol? I'd have preferred to have been able to post a journal entry in the same
Inktober 2019
Quick note before I post this years Inktober stuff. Due to a lack of a reliable way to post traditional content I'm sticking with digital this year. Planning to do a mix of re-visiting old pieces and misc. studies. I might not even do the whole month this year - see how it goes!---
© 2020 - 2025 Hewison
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