October 2020

1 min read

Deviation Actions

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The tl; dr of it is maybe still doing 31 daily drawings during October.

I've got 31 ideas of stuff I want to do, and I'm going to work my way through them and see how things go. So, same as normal for daily challenges really lol. I'm expecting them to mostly be black and white digital line drawings, but we shall just have to see!

Despite not liking the way journals look nowadays, I will update this journal with thumbnails as it is part of the tradition for these things for me!


Solaire's Back
Hair Down Emerald Herald
Dark Souls 3 - Crystal Sage Sketch
Dark Souls 3 - Orbeck
Dark Souls - Zullie
Geth study
Mass Effect Fuzzy Kaidan
Mass Effect Ash Study Revisited
Cora Profile Study
Mass Effect Andromeda Liam Sketch
Final Fantasy 12 moogle
Final Fantasy XIII Sad Mog
XIV moogle
XV moogle doll
Final Fantasy Type 0 Moglin
Cottage sketch
Rock and grass sketch
Path Sketch
Ivy and brick sketch
Displeased Naja
Final Fantasy XI - Semih portrait
Final Fantasy XI - Maat
Final Fantasy XI - Kirin
Great Pirate Successor Patty Portrait
Tales of Graces f - Sophie portrait
Tales of Vesperia - Estelle study
Judith's Into the Sky costume study
Spooky-ish resting Princess Luna
© 2020 - 2025 Hewison
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