Sequential, Background and occasional Concept Artist.
A collection of various fanarts, art studies and commissions.
Feel free to contact me here, tumblr or via email.
Email: willhewisonAThotmailDOTcom
Vaati Vidya has another art contest going on!
Just watched the video for this one, feels like a good one to enter - the previous one felt a bit to open ended, I couldn't settle down on something lol. I'll put on my thinking cap and see what happens, either way, it'll be great to see the results that other people do. Last contest entries were a lot of fun! Thank you once again for linking me these! :)
Ooooooh! This brings back memories lol. Be interesting to see what happens - good luck with it! I'll have a think and keep an eye on the thread. Cheers for telling me about it
Awww, hopefully others will respond soon!
I have to admit, I'm curious as to what other MS Paint entry artists are up to nowadays. I use to follow a few, but nowadays (more so thanks to social media site reshuffles and whatnot) I've sadly got no real clue who does what and where.