HerosOrGhosts's avatar


216 Watchers20 Deviations
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  • Mar 16, 1990
  • Ireland
  • Deviant for 14 years
  • She / Her
Paranoid: Wears a tinfoil hat
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (271)
My Bio

Hi everybody! (Hi doctor Nick!) Everytime Annmarie, every single time.

Anyway welcome to my bland profile! :) (Smile)

There's only three things you should know about me:

(1)I'm a huge gamer. If you are too let me know!

(2) Yes I'm aware there's a spelling mistake in my username and probably in every post I've ever written. I suck big time at spellings and grammar.

(3) I'm not sure about requests. I tend to spend most of my (very little) free time drawing, so I end up drawing what I want to. But please feel free to tell me any of your ideas. I'd love to hear them and who knows I might even draw it! My imagination stinks!Thanks for nothing Barney. :iconbarneyseesplz:

Ehhhhhhhh I'm not even sure what else to write here, I'm not at all interesting. Flip it! I'll fill this out later.

Thanks for popping by! :iconshaplz:

Personal Quote: Learn the wisdom of compromise, for it is better to bend a little than to break. (Not my own quote, I'm not that insightful)

Favourite Visual Artist
Walt Disney
Favourite Movies
The Dark Knight, American Psycho, Bridget Jones Diary, Silent Hill, most Disney films
Favourite TV Shows
Come Dine with Me
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
At this minute I'm not even sure. I like listening to instrumental music these days.
Favourite Games
Metal Gear, Fallout 3, Dragon Age Origins, Left 4 Dead.
Favourite Gaming Platform
Xbox 360
Tools of the Trade
Adobe photoshop CS5
Other Interests
Dodging social interactions. Seriously, it should be considered a sport.
I mean I tried it out expecting to get some sort of HAHA April fools message but nope! Not a thing. I was linked to someone and feel some what creeped out.
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Was in college. Had to do internship for college. Got offered job from internship. Left college. Now work full time. Love it! Don't get home till late though. :(and that has been the past couple of months. Some very big changes. I don't have very much free time to do any in depth drawings but I do upload the odd sketch on my tumblr. If anyone is interested email and I'll link you to my tumblr. (Trying to keep my rl friends away from my tumblr. I'm living a double life. )
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Hey guys. I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm still about, just very busy. This year in college shall be my last before I'm released into the big bad world. What a scary thought. Can you imagine it, me trying to be a functioning adult yikes! Anyway college is insanely busy but probably the most creative one so far. We've been advised to start up our own blog and twitter page so I'm just going to shove those addresses here at the bottom of the page, if anyone is interested in chatting with me over them I'd love to! ^^,In other news I have a new obsession, you know,you can't have enough of those. NaruSaku will always be No.1 on my li...
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Profile Comments 218

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Happy birthday! :cake: :party: :)
happy birthday :D
Thank you so much! Saying that means a lot. I Love You Emote 
Thank you for the llama, have one in return :D
thx for the. Llama. Here's one back. And a watch.
Thanks for the llama :squee: