Also, how does the concept of "Divide among the 6" work, as that's probably used for the pool balls, right? I'm not really familiar with billiards, but seeing another playthrough of the game, I see that each hole has to have 20 points each to obtain the cello bow. Another thing is, what clues are available to help you pick the right flower from the field without dying? One thing for sure, especially with games like yours, Uninvited, and Sierra Online games like Space Quest, you mess up once, you'll get a horrific game over.
Happy belated birthday, my friend! Currently 21, I just discovered "The Underworld's Cello" when I was about 12-14 yrs old while watching a series of deaths in video games on YouTube. I'm not even a brony, but how you put effort into this game, and with the story and music, it drew me in. I can't wait to play the finalized verison, and kudos on your personal achievements in your technology career overtime while developing the game. May God Bless you.
I will do my best. Thank you!
It's already Halloween and still no release? No meaning to push you though.
hey, are you doing alright these past months? Take it easy man <3