HerobrineisMINE's avatar


I was 11 when I made name
344 Watchers2 Deviations

Hyey um

1 min read

if yall wanna see my art now im very active on here! https://toyhou.se/Densunes idk if any1 will see this but im no longer a cringelord

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So if you watch my other account you can already know that im leaving my two accounts to start over

I did say i was gona delete these two BUT after all the favs i get from my really really reallly realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly old enderlox stuff i desided to keep this account up

ONLY because you guys seam to really like to read all the old enderlox stuff

No idea why but hey you do you

If you give a damn send me a note saying "I AM GROOT." and i'll give you a link to my new account

Dont expect it soon as I said like 3 times on that account im grounded till 2016 blah blah blah probably get on every now and then

blah blah blah

and also bye

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