hero-of-the-grave's avatar


8 Watchers17 Deviations

another poem by hero-of-the-grave, literature

another untitled poem by hero-of-the-grave, literature

another entry by hero-of-the-grave, literature

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journal entry by hero-of-the-grave, literature

journal entry also by hero-of-the-grave, literature

Whats inside of me by hero-of-the-grave, literature

untitled poem by hero-of-the-grave, literature

shallow grave by hero-of-the-grave, literature

is this all there is by hero-of-the-grave, literature

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Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

  • United States
  • Deviant for 18 years
  • He / Him
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (4)
My Bio

Current Residence: darkest depths of hell
Favourite genre of music: industrial
Favourite photographer: simon marsden
Favourite style of art: photoshope
Operating System: windows pro
MP3 player of choice: 80 gig zune
Shell of choice: mine
Favourite cartoon character: mastershake,invader zim
Personal Quote: one pisseed off person a day is a good day

Favourite Visual Artist
h.r. giger
Favourite Movies
Rocky Horror Picture Show
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
unter_null dulce liquido,grendel,mordacious,xp8,centhron,heiematarde, fabrikC,Combichrist virtual em
Favourite Writers
clive barker, edgar allen poe
Favourite Games
unreal tournament 2004,doom 3,quake arena ,quake 4
Favourite Gaming Platform
computer cameing,console gameing
Tools of the Trade
my mind,and a paintbrush
Other Interests
poetry,literature,theology,painting,automotives,computer gameing ,console gameing

again i arise

0 min read
first and foremost i apologize for my absence a lot has happened in my life alot of depression,anxiety and loss. Up till now i have not really put any focus into any anything other than to cope and still coping with losing the people i care about.Trying to find motivation has been a chore and the depression and lonliness is still an issue but i will do my best to go onward.
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well things have calmed down in my life and i just remembered my password to deviantart so i return and will be going to work. much depression has fallen on my shoulders many yrs of internal pain i have dealt with and so of my best work has been on the back burner. id like to take the time to thank each and every person who has favorited some of my work and feel free to use as you may.
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Profile Comments 7

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i love your work, graveyards are awesome
Lovely creepy work my friend.

graveyards. i love them also a lot :)
hello. came to see the gallery.
Hi. Looks like you havn't been here too long.
So I come to welcome you. Lol.
Welcome. :D
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