Hero-Destroyer on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hero-destroyer/art/LF-Empire-607364332Hero-Destroyer

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LF Empire



In dedication to a game forum - LF Empire.
I've met many awesome members. They inspired me, they gave me advices, and with that, I was able to change and become a big part of who I am right now.
Those 3 years were priceless, those experiences and memories, all the fun time, I will always remember it.

I know my art is dumb compared to others, there's not much details, and the background were just plain.
However, I think the most important thing is my memories, not the focus of details on it. Therefore, not much efforts were put, as long as it's meaningful, I would accept it.

Represented Characters:
Alectric, TheNave, Marshall, Phil, YinYin, DesignHeaven, Bamboori, BluePhoenix, Silva, Ramond, MH-Razen, SomeoneElse and Azriel.
Those that I didn't include in my art, don't worry, I remember you. :)

At last, I want to say "Thank You" to all the members in that forum. Thanks for caring, thanks for all the fun and trolls, thanks for guiding me.
Thank you for being a part of my teenage life!
Image size
1500x800px 983.06 KB
© 2016 - 2024 Hero-Destroyer
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Freezicle24's avatar
Alectric be like "ahh that was nice" after banning 300 people