Walk-In ClosetHermitInPassing on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hermitinpassing/art/Walk-In-Closet-755697616HermitInPassing

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Walk-In Closet



"Hang on, I'm almost ready!" Cynthie called out over her shoulder. Why was it so hard to find a cute shirt?

Cynthie was a fashion fanatic, which was no easy feat for someone with four legs. It was to the point that she wore almost exclusively her favorite pairs of denim on her lower half. The front pair clasped down the front to make it easy to fit around her second torso, and the back pair hugged her curves in a way she just loved. But shirts? She could wear almost any shirt.

Some of her friends, the ones with four arms or two heads or other stunning abnormalities, told her she was lucky to be able to wear normal shirts, but she wasn't so sure. There were so many choices!


I know some of you wanted to see some humantaurs from me. How is this?

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© 2018 - 2025 HermitInPassing
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Oh wow! I hope you do more humantaurrs in the future. She is a dream boat :)