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HermitInPassing's avatar




"You ARE a witch!  I knew it!  Let my head go!"

"Shhhh.  Hush now.  It's too late for any of that."

What did you- Gah, get your boobs out of my face!  What did you do to my body?"

"Your face is a part of my boobs now, dear.  And you won't be needing your body anymore."

"Won't be needing...?"

"Of course not.  In only a few short days, your pretty face will be smoothed over, your pretty hair will have all fallen out, and your pretty head will be just another breast on my rack of cleavage."


"How do you think I got four in the first place, dear?  I may be a witch, but even I can't conjure something out of nothing.  Now, until then, hush yourself.  You will be mine soon."
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