Tama the Evoloon [approved!]HereIsMochii on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hereismochii/art/Tama-the-Evoloon-approved-755491803HereIsMochii

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Tama the Evoloon [approved!]



[Edit]: My boy is officially aproved right now!! Let the drawing begin!

So I was doing some stuff and in the middle of it this baby happened! Yay another loon 8D
This is Tama, he is my birb boy now! He has a bright curious personality, as well as a liking for flying insects, flying creatures in general, radical sports and the summer.

Animated Bot 50x50 versionBorn 07/20  Animated Bot 50x50 version 
*Avian upgrades unlocked!*
Lm: 3

Evoloons are an open upgrade species from :iconevoloons:
Image size
2426x2056px 669.18 KB
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jmercedesd's avatar
His pose, his face, his colors -- I like him already. XD