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  • Deviant for 14 years
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Can someone please make a Mega Heracross plz account!?
I headbutted trees... for 2 hours... trying to find you...
Smoking :iconweedleplz: and I’m feeling :icongloomplz:
And I’m :iconkoffing-plz: and :iconweezingplz: and I don’t know what to do
Then my hopes :iconbellossomplz: as she passes by
She reminds me of the :iconstarmieplz: sky

Gimmie a :iconrchanseyplz: though I seem a bit :iconfarfetchdplz:
I :iconheracrossplz: my heart that I’m better than the rest
All my life I think I’ve been :iconseakingplz: :iconmew--plz:
Once I looked around the corner and I had a :iconpikachuplz:

Though I’m kinda :iconoddishplz:, she’s :iconexeggcuteplz:
:iconzubatplz:ter believe that she’s awfully :icontentacoolplz:
Before I met her, I was just an :iconunownplz:
But now I’m actually doing the :iconcuboneplz:

Gimmie a :iconrchanseyplz: though I seem a bit :iconfarfetchdplz:
I :iconheracrossplz: my heart that I’m better than the rest
All my life I think I’ve been :iconseakingplz: :iconmew--plz:
Once I looked around the corner and I had a :iconpikachuplz:

Let’s move to :iconparasplz: and it will be :iconmagikarpplz:
We’ll :iconseelplz: the deal and it’ll be just you and I
And I’ll take you out to dinner every :icondragoniteplz:

But now I can’t de:iconscytherplz: the signs you’re giving me
You’re :iconhorseaplz:ing around and there’s a secret up your sleeve
These thoughts are :icononixplz:pected and maybe we should part
Our life might be :iconhoundoomplz:ed and it’s :iconmachopplz:ping up my heart
Don’t :iconjynxplz: it, it’s alright… and that is what I felt
But then when I discovered it I :icontogepi-plz:’d myself

Your :icongastlyplz: secret made me feel :iconpoliwrathplz:ed
You’re :iconmankeyplz:ing with other :icongeodudeplz:s behind my back
She only :iconvulpixplz:’d me for my money all along
And then in a :iconrapidashplz: she was :iconporygonplz:

Now I’m on the street smoking :iconweedleplz: day again
And I’m feeling :iconkrabbyplz: cause it feels like it’s the end
I can’t even think without getting all :iconmachokeplz:’d
When it comes to love I’m just a dopey dumb :iconslowpokeplz:

Gimmie a :iconrchanseyplz: though I seem a bit :iconfarfetchdplz:
I :iconheracrossplz: my heart that I’m better than the rest
All my life I think I’ve been :iconseakingplz: :iconmew--plz:
Once I looked around the corner and I had a :iconpikachuplz: