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Daily Deviation

January 16, 2008
Wall by *henning is beatifully painted and a wonderful example of the mastery of digital painting. Unique and intriguing with exquisite details in just the right places.
Featured by cosmosue
henning's avatar




The idea for this painting has been laying inside the back of the head for quite a while, and I was basically just looking for a excuse to make it. Originally, it was ment for an art competition, but since I didn’t go there after all the painting wasn’t used for anything special.

Painted during quite a few evenings using Photoshop with a Wacom tablet. Reference used for the character.

Here's a beautiful tune inspired by this painting, composed by Tore Thomassen:…
Image size
1300x975px 397.88 KB
© 2007 - 2025 henning
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Galinas-Claim's avatar
I saw this on the cover of a neat fantasy art book.  Nothing special, huh?  Nice work!