Hen-Hen on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hen-hen/art/Batman-2099-33783115Hen-Hen

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Batman 2099



Did this for Sketch Tavern's weekly sketch of the DC Universe in the year 2099. [link] Lots of fun, I hope to do more. Did a quick Bio for the character too for fun.

An aging Bruce Wayne was developing a cloning process so he could continue his original War on crime after his death. Not wanting to burden one of his wards with the task of being Batman. He was almost finished with the process when Superman was killed. Bruce had a sample of Superman's DNA (because he's Batman and does that sort of thing) using it to add to his own genetic cocktail. But only to make him stronger and and the gift of super hearing. He felt that his duplicate with all of Superman's powers might be corrupted from all of that power. But after the original Bruce died the clone process was finished and the first Batman clone stepped into the cave. Greeted by a video of the belated crimefigther, he was presented with his new suit showing a new symbol dedicated to his 2 fathers.
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r-scott's avatar
Shouldn't the bat have sonar or radar and super hearing?