
Clayed Out: New Beginnings, Part 3

Deviation Actions

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Natalie Banks closed her eyes and eased back the chair within the confines of her office, high atop the upper floor of the Relaxation Station headquarters. It was a gloomy, rainy day, and just the type of weather that merited some guilt-free, indoor fun. This afternoon, Natalie was wearing a short, dark business skirt that provided a nice contrast to her white, collared blouse. Up until a few minutes ago, she’d been wearing an interesting set of platform sandals, but Natalie had kicked them off to better indulge in her guilty pleasure. Beneath her desk, Natalie had previously installed an invention that Lara had dubbed, “the trough”. The trough was a large, rectangular, plastic storage container that extended underneath her desk. It reached from just beneath her chair to the base of another that had been positioned on the other side of the desk. This allowed Natalie to enjoy her much-needed “squishy time” while on the job, and additionally, allowed a second person to share the fun from across the desk. Today, however, Natalie was alone. Just a few minutes prior, a few of Catalina’s from R&D had filled the trough to the brim with rich, creamy plaster. Natalie had deeply wished for Catalina to join her, alas, the latter was heavily invested in a new project and couldn’t spare the time. Despite this, Natalie was perfectly happy with enjoying her squishy time alone. She lowered her bare feet downward, resting her heels upon the brim of the large, plastic trough that sat beneath her chair. Natalie knew how soft and satisfying the plaster was going to feel on her tired, bare feet. Still, the young professional had wished to savor the moment, as the initial entry was always the best part. With her eyes still closed, Natalie let out a deep breath as she extended her left foot downward, into the plaster. She’d instinctively scrunched her toes as they pierced its soft, mushy surface with a low slurping sound. “Mmm…”, Natalie had practically moaned as a large smile had begun to form over her face. She’d pushed her foot deeper into the plaster, causing more slurping sounds as the white goo caressed and sloshed around her bare foot. The sensation was deeply comforting to her, like saying hello to an old friend that hadn’t been seen in quite some time. As much as she’d wished to savor this part, Natalie’s cravings had gotten the better of her, and foot was soon submerged up to the ankle in the gooey, mushy plaster. She’d extended her arms atop those of her desk chair, gripping it tightly as she felt her sole work its way to the bottom of the trough. The plaster has now completely enveloped her left foot…and Natalie had wanted nothing more than to wiggle her toes, to feel it squishing between them. Not now, however, as this would be the part that Natalie would truly savor. This entire time, she’d kept her toes scrunched tightly together, doing her best to prevent any of the plaster from seeping in between them until the time was right. But first, she’d have to sink her right foot into the viscous mixture. Natalie took another deep breath, trying to control her emotions as she began to lower her right foot into the plaster. “Wait for it…”, Natalie whispered to herself as she pointed her toes downward and scrunched them together, inching them ever so closer to the soupy concoction below. As her toes slipped in, Natalie’s fingers tensed up and squeezed the arms of her chair once more. “Oh, oh fuck…”, she’d whispered to herself in decadent glee upon feeling both of her bare feet being enveloped by the soft, sticky grip of the liquid plaster. It made another series of slurping and bubbling sounds as it wallowed over Natalie’s other foot, gently rubbing up against her skin with its warm embrace. “Oh, I’ve missed you…”, Natalie whispered to herself, as if she was greeting someone. As her other foot slowly crept its way to the bottom of the trough, Natalie made sure to keep her toes clenched together. The urge to spread them apart and let the plaster flow in between them was nearly unbearable. Natalie kept tensing the muscles within her feet, doing everything in her power to prevent this from happening until she’d lost all control. To her, that would be the true reward. But for now, she saw this entire exercise as a test of her own self control. There’d once been a time when Ms. Natalie Banks would be the reluctant recipient of an involuntary orgasm, just by walking barefoot in mud. However, the beautiful, young business professional had since trained her stamina. Even so, Natalie was gushing at this point and quickly on her way to soaking the seat of her chair. She’d pressed her thighs together, then rubbed them tightly against one another as her knees rocked to the left and the right. The urge was too strong now, and soon, she would cave in. Natalie didn’t even realize that her mouth had become agape and her breathing had grown rather heavy under the intense sexual tension that she’d bestowed upon herself. ‘Now’, Natalie thought as she finally allowed her to spread her bare toes open inside the plaster, instantly causing the white mush to flow between them and into every nook and cranny of her bare feet. Immediately after, she’d clenched her toes back, panting a bit as she’d felt the plaster finally squishing between her toes. This was Natalie’s peak, the cusp of her sexual desires. The only thing missing was a friend to share the fun with, but even so, Natalie couldn’t even process that concept at this point. Her mind had been utterly engrossed by the soft, squishy sensation of the wet plaster engulfing her petite, bare feet as they sloshed about. “Ooohh…”, Natalie moaned ever so softly, doing her best to resist the ensuing orgasm that had been brewing between her legs ever since Catalina’s assistants had first began mixing the plaster for her. Her chair was completely and totally drenched. Her business skirt was also a lost cause, doomed to be thrown out and replaced before she’d eventually leave the office. Natalie then removed a hand from the arm of her chair and slowly crept it closer to her crotch, knowing that the time was right. Even at this point, all her clit needed was a single touch, and then she would promptly cream herself as the liquid plaster sucked at her bare feet and toes. Not that all of her orgasms happened so suddenly, but it was always the first that demanded the utmost control. It was like a caged animal, ready to pounce as it sent butterflies through her lower body.

“Hey Natalie! Whatcha doin’?”, a familiar voice suddenly called out from the hallway that led up to Natalie’s office. ‘SHIT!!’, Natalie screamed inside the confines of her head, instantly enraged by the abrupt intrusion of her most intimate of affairs for this afternoon. Lara leaned with a smirk against the doorframe of Natalie’s office, clad in her usual jeans, purple tank top, and Vans slip-ons. Natalie wasn’t necessarily pissed at Lara, per say, only at the sudden interruption that had happened at the worst possible timing. Lara continued to smirk as she studied the scene. Due to the desk obstructing her view, she could only see Natalie from above her breasts, but Lara know exactly what Natalie was up to. The far end of the trough was jutting out from beneath Lara’s end of the desk, and the wet plaster inside was easily visible. There was once a time when Lara would simply turn around and leave Natalie to her privacy, but this wasn’t that time. Natalie looked up at Lara with daggers in her eyes as she sat on the very brink of climax. She couldn’t let herself go in front of Lara, but the plaster seeping between her toes was making this inherently difficult. Lara then began humming to herself as she slowly sauntered towards Natalie’s side of the desk. “Nat, it’s okay, I don’t mind giving you…a hand”, Lara finally spoke with a giggle as she lowered her arm towards Natalie’s clenched thighs. “Lara? W-what are you do-oooOOOoooOOHHH!!!”, Natalie then practically yelled in sheer ecstasy. Lara had only rubbed Natalie’s clit ever so gently. In fact, it wasn’t even really a rub, more like or a light poke. Regardless, Natalie had immediately tensed up as her chest jutted outward, recoiling in pleasure from this unexpected tipping point. Her bare feet sloshed about in the plaster, feeling it squish it all around them until her legs started to become numb from the effects of the surprise climax. “Tee hee hee…”, Lara snickered playfully as she then walked to the other side of the desk and plopped herself into the seat. “Seriously though, Nat, there’s something I gotta tell you”, Lara then continued. But, Natalie merely held up her palm signifying for Lara to wait until she’d finished refracting from the unexpected bliss that was still surging through her nervous system. Lara seemed a bit concerned by the delay, as her information was rather crucial. As she’d waited, Lara promptly pulled a joint from her pocket, along with a lighter. Still recovering, Natalie merely gave a disapproving stare at Lara while the latter lit up and took a long puff. “Hey, you said I could smoke up here!”, Lara protested. Natalie merely rolled her eyes as she finally came back to reality. “Anyways, Natalie…”, Lara began to speak, but was cut off by Natalie’s waving finger. “No, Natalie! This is serious!”, Lara then protested. “Lara, you know the rules of my office. If my feet are in the trough, that means that I can’t hear you… unless yours are, too”, Natalie declared just seconds before putting in her earbuds, much to Lara’s chagrin. “Oh, fuck…”, Lara muttered as she slipped off her Vans, exposing her large, bare feet. Lately, Lara had done away with socks entirely. “Natalie, seriously though…”, Lara again tried to convey her message, but Natalie was purposely blocking her out with hip-hop music as her feet sloshed and slurped within the large, rectangular container of plaster. With the trough extended out to the base of both their chairs, positioned underneath Natalie’s desk, it was easily accessible for both of the ladies. Lara let out a loud *gulp*, then sunk her feet simultaneously into the creamy mixture. Because of the desk between them, Natalie couldn’t see Lara plop her feet into the plaster, but she’d felt it. Lara immediately grimaced as the slimy plaster worked its way in between all ten of her wiggling toes. As soon as Lara’s feet became fully submerged, Natalie quickly removed her earbuds and gave Lara her undivided attention. “So, Lara, what’s so important?”, Natalie asked politely, now that her friend had respected the rules of the office. “I just came up here to tell you that…that…”, Lara tried to speak. Natalie became puzzled, as Lara was usually quite fond of these squishy experiences, although not necessarily in a sexual nature. “What’s wrong, Lara?”, Natalie questioned her with concern. Lara then sighed. “It’s just that, umm…when Catalina saw that you ordered this plaster, she decided to prank you by having her staff use the quick-drying batch…”, she’d finally muttered with another *gulp*, then stared downward. Natalie’s eyes soon turned to daggers again, but this time, her frustration was centered upon her lover, Ms. Catalina Marquez. “Are you serious?! That conniving…”, Natalie began to reply, but then Lara interrupted. “Natalie! We need to get our feet out of this shit!”, she’d pleaded while sitting with her own feet submerged in the quick-drying plaster.

The two ladies then attempted to lift their feet from the trough, but soon found themselves stuck. Although the plaster hadn’t exactly hardened, its texture had transformed into a thick, gel-like consistency with immense suction that kept the girls’ feet sealed within its confines. “Oh, she’s gonna get it when we go home later! Don’t worry, Lara. I always keep a hammer when a chisel here in the drawer, especially after the last time”, Natalie fumed as she searched the drawers of her desk. Unfortunately, she soon discovered that these tools had been pilfered by Catalina at some point. Natalie then leaned forward onto her desk and rested her face against both of her palms. “Ugh, Catalina is such a child sometimes!”, she’d huffed while shaking her head, with her hands still covering her face in disapproval. Lara became a bit perturbed by this revelation, as the plaster’s suction had a strong hold on her own feet. Within minutes, the trough would become a large, solid block of plaster…with both girls’ feet sealed inside. Natalie soon realized that she’d been deprived of her toe-wiggling abilities, due to Catalina’s idiotic prank. “Well, it’s not like this hasn’t happened before”, mused Lara as she tried to uplift the situation. “Lara, please pass me that joint”, Natalie asked while extending her hand over the desk. Lara promptly abided.


Meanwhile, downstairs in R&D, Catalina was in the midst of another experiment with the help of her lovely assistant, Ivy. Joining them was Tyra, a college girl from nearby Stuckmore University. Like so many others from her school, she’d volunteered to be a test subject in return for some extra cash. Tyra had felt that the payment was rather generous, but until this moment, she couldn’t exactly understand why she’d been asked to sign so many insurance waivers. As the rain pounded against the windows of the tall, downtown building, Ivy and Tyra found themselves in the middle of a rather unorthodox procedure. Just a few minutes earlier, both girls had traded their clothes for bikini swimsuits, then plopped themselves into two large oil drums that Catalina and her technicians had filled to the brim with Elmer’s Glue. The two ladies were soaking up to their necks in the gooey, white paste while Catalina observed and took notes. As she stood vigilant, Catalina was clad in her predictable attire; a white pant-suit with a red blouse underneath. Her enormous, bare feet were perched on the floor beneath her, as her department still maintained a strict “no shoes” policy. “So, Ivy, please tell me. Is your idea as enjoyable as it seemed when you first thought of this?”, Catalina asked Ivy while the latter soaked from the neck down in the thick paste. Ivy had her head tilted back, with her eyes closed. “Ooohhh yes, Catalina! I do feel that would be a good substitute for our traditional mud baths”, she’d remarked as the glue enveloped and caressed every inch of her body. Ivy shifted her arms and legs, allowing the glue to flow around her within the barrel. Her bare toes had started wiggling as soon as she’d first submerged herself within the goo, and they’d yet to to cease. Tyra, on the contrary, was less than enthused. “Umm…uhh…you guys are gonna be able to get me out, right?”, she’d asked sheepishly with a bit of concern in her voice. Ivy suddenly opened her eyes at this question, seemingly awakening from the seductive spell of the glue bath. “Oh? Ohhhh…I, I…umm, didn’t exactly plan that part out yet…”, she’d responded with a hint of concern for the worried college girl. Ivy was thoroughly enjoying the sensation of the viscous glue as it hugged her near-naked body all over, escaping was at the very least of her concerns as she’d felt the soupy glue glide between her tiny fingers and toes. The glue was practically hugging her  entire body as she felt its sloshing and squishing against her skin. The sheer thickness of it almost felt like a massage as it pressed against Ivy’s limbs and digits, which were slowly wallowing about under the surface of the glue. She could feel its weight pressing up against her bikini bottom as she’d rocked her legs left and right, which was an experience that seemed to cause Ivy to flutter all over. “Oh, my dear Ivy!”, Catalina uttered while trying to conceal her giggling. “But, that is why we have research and development, no?”, she’d added before chuckling softly at Tyra’s peril. “Wait, what?!”, Tyra gasped. Suddenly, the entire room went dark, save for a few emergency lights. “Ugh, the storm must’ve knocked out the power!”, noted Ivy, who was eager to take attention away from her little mishap. “Those damned contractors! I knew we shouldn’t have taken the lowest bidder, those fools installed the circuit breaker on the roof! ON THE ROOF!!”, huffed Catalina as she crossed her arms and grimaced with disapproval. Ivy then looked out the window and saw that the rain had slowed down considerably. “I guess it’s time to call maintenance. I’d hate to leave work early on a day like this”, she’d declared from her glue bath. “Nonsense, I shall go myself”, Catalina replied as she began making her way to the stairwell. “But, Cat! It’s kinda dangerous up there! And it’s raining!”, Ivy had suggested. “Don’t worry, my dear assistant. I actually miss having a little danger in my life. Besides, the rain has already stopped, look!”, replied Catalina with a bit more positivity in her voice.  She then gestured towards the window, and the sun was now shining brightly. “But, what about your shoes?”, Ivy asked while staring down at Catalina’s bare feet. Typically, Ivy didn’t care for such things, but the roof was a potentially perilous place. “Ivy, my dear. You know as well as I do that shoes are overrated”, Catalina replied with a smile as she happily wiggled her toes. She then made her way out, exiting into the stairway.

The R&D department was located only a couple floors from the roof, so Catalina didn’t have many stairs to climb before walking out onto the roof. By the time that she got up there, the rain had disappeared entirely and the warm, June sunlight was shining brightly all over the city. Catalina strolled barefoot onto the roof, trying to remember exactly where the circuit breaker box had been located. She’d only done this once previously, but that was way back when she and the others had first opened their business. “Now, where is that damn thing?”, Catalina muttered softly while scanning the large, flat roof of office building. The whole area was strewn with air conditioning units, Wi-Fi systems, and several other contraptions that made it difficult for her to properly identify the circuit breaker. While strolling along the roof, Catalina suddenly realized that she’d gotten her feet wet. “Oh, how delightful!”, she’d exclaimed to herself upon realizing that she’d stepped into a decent sized puddle. The warm rainwater had pooled in several spots along the roof, creating several small puddles. As Catalina felt the water on her feet, she’d found the experience to be rather soothing. Catalina then had an idea and began giggling to herself, then proceeded to splash her feet about in the puddle. With a playful smile, she’d pressed the heels of her large feet together and bent her legs slightly downward. She hopped slightly, plunging both of her bare feet into another puddle and splashing the warm rainwater all over. Catalina continued giggling like a child over this experience, then playfully hopped again into another puddle. More water splashed about as she’d landed, which spattered up along the legs of her white pants, practically ruining them. Catalina didn’t mind, though, as she was having far too much fun to care about her pants. The tall, Colombian woman continued hopping about the roof like a madwoman, splashing her feet in the various puddles as she smiled and laughed with glee. Then, she’d noticed a much larger puddle, located near the center of the roof. This puddle was considerably wider and looked to be much deeper than the others, although it was hard for her to tell. Catalina paused and debated on rolling up the cuffs of her pants, but seeing that they weee already drenched, she’d figured it was pointless. Catalina then made a stance and prepared to hop once more, eyeing the large puddle in front of her. “Time to make my big splash in the business world!”, she’d said softly in her thick, Colombian accent. While extending her arms and blurting out a short, “Mmph”, Catalina jumped into the air once more and landed in the direct center of the large puddle, which caused an odd, bubbling sound as her feet landed into it. “What? What is this?”, Catalina asked no one in particular after her feet became instantly submerged. This puddle didn’t feel anything like the others. While she’d expected feel the delightful sensation of warm rainwater splashing onto her feet once more, instead, this puddle felt much more gooey…and sticky. Catalina was standing up to her ankles in it. When she’d landed, Catalina had both feet poised directly next to one another, with her heels touching. This made for an awkward standing position, especially since the feeling of the tar’s texture upon her bare feet was already causing her to tingle. Suddenly, her elated excitement ceased as she quickly realized that her feet were stuck to the roof. “What the hell?!”, she’d almost shouted upon trying to hop out of the puddle, but the slimy substance maintained a tight grip on her feet. Catalina then began cursing in Spanish and pulling at her legs, uselessly. In the midst of her efforts, she glanced over and saw that a bucket of roofing tar had tipped over, directly next to the puddle which held her captive. “TAR?! Oh, those idiots!!”, she’d shouted in frustration. Apparently, one of the maintenance workers had left an open bucket of tar on the roof, which had likely tipped over and spilled out during the storm earlier. “Mmph! MMMPH!!”, muttered an irritated Catalina as she’d continued her attempts at hopping out of the puddle. She could feel the thick, slimy tar as it bubbled and squished all between her toes and clung to the soles of her bare feet. Each time she’d tried to step out of the puddle, the tar clung to her soles in thick, black strands that stuck to her tightly before pulling her feet back down with its sticky grasp. Each time this happened, the tar made several bubbling and splatting noises underneath her bare feet. She’d extended her arms to balance herself as her body wriggled about, still struggling for freedom. Despite the continued arousal of feeling the gooey tar all over her massive feet, Catalina was able to maintain her focus on escape as she’d desperately tried to lift her feet from of the puddle of tar. “Dammit!”, she’d shouted, then began cursing in Spanish once more.


Downstairs, Natalie and Lara were still in the midst of their own peril, caused by the ill-timed prank on Catalina’s behalf. “I still can’t believe she took my hammer and chisel!”, Natalie raged from her chair. She’d continued searching her desk drawers, as if the tools might magically resurface. “I can”, Lara replied with dry wit as she rolled her eyes. The two girls’ feet were still firmly embedded in the solid slab of plaster underneath the desk. Natalie had tried calling security for assistance earlier, but unfortunately, the power had gone out before she could even dial the number on her office phone. Both girls were highly irritated by the situation, particularly Lara, as her own encasement could’ve easily been avoided. “You know, if it wasn’t for your stupid rules, only one of us would be stuck. In fact, I probably would’ve had you chiseled out by now”, Lara huffed as she crossed her arms in her seat. Natalie knew that this was true and felt a bit guilty, however, her anger towards Catalina had been her main emotional focus at this point. “Me? Lara, we all treat our feet like this! That’s the whole reason I had this thing installed!”, Natalie protested while pointing down at the plaster-filled trough that currently acted as a prison for their poor feet. Lara didn’t feel like arguing and stood up, then tried tugging at her legs. Although the plaster was a first for her, Lara was all too familiar with having her feet unwillingly encased in various building materials. Even so, the feeling was still very odd and unnatural. The plaster had hardened all between the girl’s toes, fitting them like a glove and freezing them in place. The heavy block acted as an anchor, pinning her to the floor with its enormous weight as she frantically pulled at her legs. This had caused even more weird sensations. With her feet sealed inside the block of plaster, they stayed put firmly, but her calves and hamstrings stretched upward as she pulled. “I forgot how awkward this feels”, Lara declared before sitting back down. Natalie shook her head in agreement as she was met with the same resistance upon her own feet. Natalie was so used to having her feet stuck in this manner that she didn’t even bother trying to stand up and struggle, as she knew that it was futile. To make things worse, the sheer size and position of the trough made it impossible for the girls to move it, leaving them embedded within the plaster slab. “I’m just going to assume that you left your cell phone on the desk again?”, Natalie asked with a condescending tone. Lara nodded with a sense of shame, as her weed habit had made her constantly forgetful. “What about you?”, Lara huffed in response. “Oh, it’s here…over on the charger”, Natalie replied with dismay as she looked over at the end table behind her, far out of reach. “Why don’t you just use Siri?!”, Lara asked bitterly from her chair. “I turned off Siri when I bought the damn thing, I find her annoying and useless”, Natalie admitted honestly. Lara then shook her head and sighed as she desperately wished for a solution.


Back up on the roof, Catalina was still fuming with rage as she stood in the puddle of tar. The rain was long gone at this point, and the warm, summer sun was beating down on the roof. Having grown up in South America, Catalina was unfazed by the heat. The tar, however, was not. The ensuing sunlight had only made things worse, having caused the tar to thicken from its initial liquid stage into a gel-like consistency. Catalina could feel the increased stickyness all over her bare feet as she continued to struggle with immense determination. Earlier, the tar had been able to stretch a bit, but the change of texture had become drastically more adhesive. As a result, both Catalina’s feet stayed planted in place within the puddle. The texture was odd to describe, as she could still wiggle her feet a bit, but her toes were becoming stuck together. That factor in particular had annoyed Catalina far more than the other elements of her predicament, as it was slowly removing the small bit of enjoyment that the tar had initially given her. Catalina then paused her struggling to light a cigarette, knowing that she couldn’t escape on her own. Suddenly, she had a slight glimmer of hope in thinking that Ivy may come to check on her. However, this notion was short-lived after Catalina realized that Ivy was still soaking in her glue bath, along with the reluctant Tyra. “Well, I’ve had worse”, Catalina whispered to herself calmly before taking another drag off her cigarette.


“THIS…IS SO….STUPID!!!”, Lara screamed while feverishly thrashing her legs. Both she and Natalie had lost their cool long ago, and now, they were becoming a bit hostile. Natalie had finally stood up and grunted in frustration as her tiny feet remained trapped in the hardened plaster. She’d kept stretching out to reach her cell phone, but it was utterly impossible from her position. “Enough, Lara! Enough! This isn’t helping!”, Natalie fumed while wriggling her petite body around. “No! Half of this is your fault, Natalie!”, Lara yelled back while shaking her arms angrily. Unintentionally, Lara’s arm then connected with a metal lamp on Natalie’s desk. In seconds, the lamp fell off and directly onto the plaster slab below. Lara looked down in surprise, then saw that the lamp had put a large crack in the plaster. “That’s it! Natalie, start smashing the plaster with stuff from your desk!”, shouted Lara in a fit of eureka. “Lara, you’re a genius! Well, sort of…”, Natalie announced while scanning the items on her desk, debating on what was expendable. She’d quickly decided on her paperweight, then began using it to hammer away at the hardened plaster. Lara was going the same with the base of the lamp, striking it vigorously against the surface. Fueled by her anger, she made drastically more progress than Natalie as she cracked away at the plaster, weakening its structure. “It’s working! I can even move my feet a little bit!”, she’d declared proudly while Natalie pummeled the paperweight on the other side of the desk. “Keep going! Ugh, this is so much work!”, Natalie complained as her tiny body struggled to swing the paperweight against the slab beneath her. Lara was making substantial progress. Although the lamp wasn’t exactly the best tool for the job, the plaster had proved to be rather brittle and cracked easily under her strikes. Thankfully, the hardened mixture had also absorbed the impact of the blows, allowing both girls to chip away without harming their feet. “YES!!!”, shouted Lara as she’d finally lifted her right foot out of the trough. A few large hunks of plaster came up on the top of her foot, which she quickly shook off as smaller bits clung to her soles. She wiggled her white, dusty toes happily as she smiled and set about hammering away with the lamp once again. “Go, Lara! At least one of us is making this work, ugh!”, Natalie huffed. While the paperweight had managed to slightly crack the plaster a bit, her tiny feet remained locked in place. She simply wasn’t strong enough to make any serious headway. “Don’t worry, Nat, I’m almost out”, encouraged Lara as she managed to wiggle her other foot out of the plaster. The substance had left a chalky, white powder all over her feet, with tiny clumps speckled all over them as she finally rested them down upon the floor of the office. “Good! Now, please help me!”, pleaded Natalie as she wrestled with the paperweight. “Hmm, and why should I help you? This was half your fault”, Lara mused with a devious smile on her face. “Lara, please! I’m sorry, okay? I should’ve listened to you!”, Natalie begged with exhaustion as she stood defeated. “And…?”, Lara continued, waiting for Natalie to sweeten the deal. “Okay! I’ll let you smoke weed in the lobby from now on”, bargained Natalie. Lara nodded in satisfaction. “Hmm, I think that might be able to help your situation”, Lara replied with a smile as she walked over towards Natalie’s side of the desk.

After several minutes, the pair successfully broke up the plaster enough for Natalie to remove her feet from its stony clasp. “Thank you, THANK YOU!!“, beamed Natalie with gratitude as she set her dusty feet back on the floor. “Uh huh. Where the hell is Catalina, anyway?”, asked Lara with curiosity. “Good point. She’d never prank me like this without coming up to witness the results”, suspected Natalie. She and Lara then headed over to the restroom to wash the debris from their dirty, bare feet. After that, they’d slipped into their shoes and headed down to R&D to investigate.


“Umm…Ivy? You seem to be enjoying this a little…uhh, too much”, Tyra nervously noted as she sat within her glue bath. The Elmer’s glue wasn’t exactly the stickiest of adhesives, however, being submerged in such a large quantity of it had produced a tremendous amount of suction. As a result, every time Tyra tried to raise her arms out of the white goo, she was meant with a lot of resistance. Sitting up was out of the question entirely, as the weight of the glue upon her body made things even worse. The feeling of the glue itself on her body wasn’t bad at all, but the concept of being trapped in the oil drum had left Tyra unnerved. Ivy, on the other hand, was loving it. “Oh, it’s actually quite nice! I can’t see why you’d want to leave. And just think, they’re actually paying you to do this. You’ve got it made!”, Ivy replied from the adjacent drum. At this point, Ivy was in heaven. The glue was softly kissing almost every inch of her nearly naked body as she soaked in her invention, closing her eyes to better enhance the sensory bliss. Ivy wiggled her fingers and toes in the glue, causing her to giggle playfully at the squishyness she’d felt upon doing so. The sensation was utterly hypnotic to Ivy, arousing her tremendously as she felt the glue press against her bikini bottom each time she’d shifted her body. In fact, Ivy had been so entranced that she hadn’t even noticed that Catalina had failed to return from the roof. Tyra had tried to bring this to her attention early, but Ivy just shrugged it off while bathing in the glue. This had only made Tyra more worried, but soon, her spirits were uplifted after seeing two unfamiliar people arrive at the laboratory. “Ivy, Ivy! Someone’s here! We’re saved!”, Tyra announced energetically. “Oh, yay…”, replied Ivy sarcastically while rolling her eyes. When Lara and Natalie entered the lab, it was entirely void of any staff, save for Ivy and her hapless volunteer. “Ivy, where the hell is everyone?”, asked Natalie as she approached. “Wait, what? Oh, hey! You’re right!”, Ivy responded with a bit of confusion, as if she’d just been awoken from a deep sleep. “They all went home after the power went out, mmph!”, Tyra pointed out as she unsuccessfully tried to raise her arms out of the glue. “But what about Catalina?!”, Lara asked the two girls as they bathed in the glue. “She went up to the roof to reset the circuit breaker, I think that was only a few minutes ago”, Ivy responded happily while closing her eyes again and enjoying the bliss of Elmer’s glue against her body. “Minutes?! That was nearly an hour ago!“, Tyra corrected her. Ivy just smiled and giggled at this newsflash, as she’d been totally immersed in her sweet rapture, both metaphorically and literally. Lara and Natalie glanced at each other. “Ugh, we’ll go get her”, Natalie replied with a disapproving tone as she headed to the stairwell. Lara followed, shaking her head.

“This seems familiar already”, Lara pointed out in reference to previously being stuck on the balcony with Catalina. Natalie chose not to respond to the comment, as that particular experience had angered her greatly. And now, Catalina had once again boiled Natalie’s blood. Still, Natalie loved her, but her newfound role of keeping Catalina in line had proved rather exhausting. Even so, Natalie knew what she’d signed up for, she just wished it was a little less crazy. “Where is my lovely girlfriend?”, Natalie asked almost sarcastically as she and Lara surveyed the cluttered rooftop. “Cat? Where are you?!”, Lara called out loudly. “Stoner girl! I require assistance!”, Catalina yelled out from where she’d been forced to stand. Although they couldn’t see her, Natalie and Lara both sighed in relief, then walked over. After walking around one of the massive, industrial air conditioners, the two spotted Catalina. She was standing with her feet poised directly next to each other in the puddle of tar, with her arms extended to keep her balance as she continued her attempts to pull her feet out. “Girls, girls! I have fallen victim to a most unfortunate situation while puddle jumping!“, beckoned Catalina in her thick accent. “Puddle jumping? Really, Cat?“, Natalie asked rhetorically. She was already upset over the plaster incident, and now, the fact that Catalina had gotten herself into this dilemma had made Natalie absolutely livid. “Cat, what the hell are you standing in?!”, Lara asked incredulously. “It’s tar!”, Catalina replied defeatedly. She’d shifted her feet around in the viscous, sticky gel, which made squelching noises as she did so. “So, let me get this straight; while we were literally embedded in a slab of plaster, by YOUR doing, you just decided to come up to the roof and start puddle jumping?”, Natalie asked angrily while poising her hands upon her hips. “Wait, only you were supposed to get stuck in the plaster! That is why I told the stoner girl that it was quick-drying, I knew she would come help you! But then, the power went out…and…”, Catalina trailed off as she was distracted by the the tar as it continuously seeped in between her toes. Natalie shook her head again, highly disappointed. “Cat, you know Natalie’s rules when her feet are in that stupid trough!”, Lara chimed in. Natalie shot her a disapproving glare over the trough comment, but decided to fight that battle another day. Catalina suddenly looked surprised, as if she’d completely forgotten. Natalie’s rule in her office was simple; if the trough beneath her desk had been filled with something gooey to squish her feet in, and you found yourself in that office, then your feet were in there with hers. No exceptions. Otherwise, she would simply put on her headphones and ignore you. Unfortunately, this rule had gone a bit too far today. Nonetheless, it was still her office, and Catalina was mostly responsible for deliberately deceiving her. Initially, all Natalie had done was request some nice, squishy plaster from R&D, to slosh her feet in which during a tense afternoon at work. Catalina did have lighthearted intentions behind her prank of using quick-drying plaster, however, she’d failed to remember Natalie’s rule. Especially when she’d planned on Lara going up to inform Natalie of the situation.

These thoughts and more raced through Catalina’s head as she came to terms with the effects of her actions. She lowered her head shamefully and stared down at the puddle of tar that had buried her poor feet. “Natalie, Lara, I am sorry”, Catalina uttered softly. Natalie suddenly became even more agitated. She knew that Catalina was genuinely remorseful over her actions. Until the two had started dating, it was extraordinarily rare for Ms. Catalina Marquez to admit fault on nearly anything. Natalie knew this, and when Catalina did apologize for her various transgressions, Natalie always felt a deep connection with her. It was a side of Catalina that few ever saw, and being privy to this had made Natalie feel loved and trusted. As a result, it was nearly impossible for her to be mad at Catalina when she apologized in such a manner. However, it certainly made Natalie irritated at herself for feeling this way. “Come on, you big goof. Let’s get your big clodhoppers out of that goo”, Natalie said softly with a warm smile. “How are we supposed to do that?!“, a startled Lara asked. Natalie paused to think, but her concentration was broken by the sound of thunder crackling in the distance. The storm clouds were moving back in fast, and poor Catalina was still stuck in place with her feet fused to the tar. She’d seen the storm on the horizon and tried to jump out of the tar, but couldn’t break its unyielding grip upon her massive feet. “Ohhhh dear! Girls, please help! I do not wish to become a human lightning rod!”, she’d pleaded in her Colombian accent, all while clasping her hands together anxiously. Natalie and Lara instinctively knelt down to help. “Ughhh!!!”, groaned Catalina as the three tried to lift her feet from the puddle of tar, unsuccessfully. “Ohhhh no no no no!!”, she’d panicked, scared beyond belief that she would be struck by the inevitable lightning. Considering the height of the office building, this was a very real possibility. “What are we gonna do?!”, Lara asked Natalie fearfully, knowing that the time was of the essence. Natalie, who’d initially been deeply concerned for her lover, suddenly giggled as an idea came over her. “Here, I’ll show you…”, she’d spoken with a smile.

Within about 10 minutes, the three ladies had found themselves in the elevator, headed down to the lower level. Prior to leaving the rooftop, Lara had reset the circuit breaker and restored power to the building. Catalina stood in the center of the elevator, with a scowl on her face and her hands folded in front of her. Natalie and Lara stood at each side, giggling and looking downward. “Enough!”, Catalina fumed in anger, which only made the others laugh more. “Well, at least we don’t have to stop at R&D to pick up your shoes…”, Lara uttered while fighting another burst of laughter. “I said enough!”, Catalina quipped back, just as the elevator reached the lobby. The main entrance of Relaxation Station was then filled with loud smacking sounds as Catalina trotted out of the elevator and towards the door. The sound alone caused both Natalie and Lara to snicker uncontrollably at the sight. They’d failed to free Catalina’s feet from the tar, and with time being crucial, the pair had simply cut out two large pieces of roofing tile from underneath their friend’s feet. Each piece was very large and flat, but thankfully didn’t weigh much and at least allowed Catalina to become mobile again. However, they were certainly cumbersome. The width of the tiles alone caused Catalina to practically waddle as she walked, to keep them spread apart enough to prevent tripping. Lara and Natalie continued to laugh. Although they’d both felt sorry for Catalina, the spectacle was too hilarious to be taken seriously, especially after the plaster incident earlier. Catalina turned around and stared at the others, trying to recreate the intimidating stance she’d practiced during her drug-lord days. Unfortunately, it only made things more comical. “Well, Cat. It’s…umm, been real. I’ll see you guys tomorrow!“, Lara snickered before heading out to her car. Once alone in the lobby, Catalina continued to stare at Natalie. The latter was on the brink of laughter once more, enjoying every second of her lover’s reaction to the new footwear. “Oh, come on! It’s funny! Besides, you did this to yourself”, Natalie reasoned with a smile. Still fuming, Catalina said nothing as she turned and clonked her way out to the parking lot. “So, I can only assume that you’re going to let me drive home?”, Natalie suggested as Catalina’s roof tiles smacked against the surface of the parking lot. They were so big that there was no possible way that Catalina could drive at all, let alone safely. “Natalie, I do NOT need help! I always drive, you know this!”, Catalina fired back as she unlocked the white Range Rover. However, after opening the door and attempting to step into the car, Catalina seemed to be faced with some difficulty. Then, she stood next to the driver’s seat and paused for a few seconds. “My dear Natalie, I am in the mood to be chauffeured, so you may drive. But know that this has no relation to these hideous things attached to my poor feet!!”, she’d fumed in her Colombian accent before opening the back door. “Whatever you say, Cat”, Natalie said with a laugh as her girlfriend scrambled her way into the backseat, all while trying not to scratch the leather seats with the tiles.

After an awkward drive home, Natalie had tried to help Catalina with getting out of the car, which she’d refused. After several bouts of screaming , she’d finally exited the car, with the roofing tiles still tarred to her feet. Natalie then drew a bath for her distraught girlfriend, using an entire pack of bath bombs to help loosen the tar’s icky grip upon Catalina’s poor feet. After a long bit of soaking, it worked, although some excessive scrubbing was in order to properly remove the tar from her skin. Catalina emerged no worse for the wear, save for some much needed moisturizer to soothe her skin afterwards. The tub, on the other hand, became filthy and in need of a serious overhaul. Catalina and Natalie then retired to their bedroom, exhausted, and shared the loving warmth of each others’ bodies as they drifted asleep.


Meanwhile, back in the R&D lab, Tyra was screaming frantically for anyone who’d cared to listen. “HELP!! PLEEEASE!!! SOMEONE!!!”, she’d shouted out inside the empty building. Well, empty aside from Ivy next to her. Both of the girls had remained buried up to their necks within the two oil drums, both filled to the brim with Elmer’s Glue. The glue hadn’t exactly hardened, but it had partially solidified over the hours that the pair had spend immersed within it. Even so, the texture was very soft and muddy, almost like a thicker form of Jello. Unfortunately, this had only made the suction element even stronger, which had prevented Tyra from escaping. Next to her, Ivy had been in a trance-like state for several hours, not even noticing that she and Tyra had been accidentally left alone in the lab. Come to think of it, she’d been so engrossed in the experience that she’d found herself forgetting Tyra on occasion. “You again?”, Ivy asked with a bit of irritation, as if someone could possibly have an issue with the luxury they’d been privileged with experiencing. “Yes, YES!!! Look, Ivy, I’m not sure if it’s occurred to you, but we are alone and literally up to our necks in GLUE!!!”, the college girl pleaded with a touch of insanity in her voice. “Yes? What of it?”, Ivy responded nonchalantly. Her only real complaint at this point was the tiny confines of the oil drum. Alas, the pros had far outweighed the cons. Tyra continued her maniacal tirade, trapped by the drum of Elmer’s Glue. The two would have to wait until morning to be freed, once the staff arrived back. But for now, Ivy was going to sleep like a baby.

So, here’s another entry into my series. It seems that the longer that I go without writing them, the longer the stories become. Thanks for reading and please let me know what you think!
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HaiSociety's avatar

Cute and fun! It is always nice when the Girls of Summer come back to town :)