HellyonWhite's avatar


64 Deviations
Hi guys! Sorry for not replying or being active at all. It's been a crazy year, with my job and final college projects and such.
I'm finally free from college so I'll be a lot more active!

ABOUT COMMISSIONS: I had to cancel all non-paid commissions and I'm very sorry! Ever since the Reddit event, my mail and notes skyrocketed way more than I could handle at that moment. I didn't expect so many commissions coming at once at the time, so I had to focus on clients that had already paid or had very specific requests.
Again, I'm really sorry I couldn't get to all of them. It makes me really happy to get those many messages and I promise next time I open them, I'll be ready for whatever comes! I'll also make a first-come-first-serve list public so that there's no confussion;;

This year I'm finally going hardcore into cons! Only in Spain for now though.


Hola de nuevo! Perdón por no responder ni estar activa. Ha sido un año bastante loco, trabajando y con el proyecto de fin de grado a la vez y tal.
Al fin me he librado de la universidad así que estaré mucho más activa!

SOBRE COMMISSIONS: Tuve que cancelar todas las comisiones que no habían sido pagadas y lo siento mucho! Desde lo que pasó en Reddit, mi email y las notes se llenaron mucho más de lo que podía imaginarme y no podía abarcarlo todo en aquel entonces. No me esperaba tantas comisiones de repente, y me tuve que centrar en los clientes que ya me habían pagado o que tenían muy bien pensado lo que querían.
De nuevo, lo siento mucho por no haberme podido dedicar a todas. Me hace muy feliz el haber recibido tantos mensajes y prometo que la próxima vez que abra comisiones, estaré lista para lo que venga! Y también hare una lista pública para que no haya confusión.

Éste año empiezo a tope a estar en varios salones de Madrid! Ya daré más detalles, pero por ahora puedo anunciar con seguridad que estaré en:

Japan Weekend Madrid (18-20 septiembre)
Games Week Madrid (1-4 octubre)
Expocómic (11-13 diciembre)

Espero veros a todos por allí. Estaré haciendo comisiones bastante baratitas en directo y vendiendo muuuuchos pósters y llevaré sorpresitas que ya anunciaré : D

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I'll be going to THU2014! trojan-unicorn.com/
I'm really excited and hoping to be able to get in touch with some illustrators I admire a lot, and learn from them. It'll be an amazing experience, I'm sure.

It's been pretty busy days, specially dealing with my carpal tunnel worsening, so I'll resume commissions and I'll reply to messages and notes once I get back on the 21st. Thank you for your patience!

See you in a week : D

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For Livestreaming purposes: where are you from? (to know timezones)

63 votes

NA west coast

NA east coast

Europe west

Europe east

South America

Asia west

Asia east




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Should I upload sketch dumps from time to time? All sketches in a single image though.

36 votes


Not interested

Only to Scraps

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Hi everyone, just wanted to let you know a couple things!
First of all, the Tumblr issue got solved pretty fast by the Tumblr team. I'm surprised they took it down so fast actually @_@

And apart from that, well, I've been bedridden for over two weeks now and I'm not getting better any time soon it seems... I'll get back to working hardcore on commissions and contest prizes as soon as I can though.

It's being pretty stressing since I need to work on finals but can't even be on my PC for more than 5 minutes without throwing up ahh. Sorry.

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Cons 2015! Commission updates! [English+Spanish] by HellyonWhite, journal

Trojan Horse was a Unicorn by HellyonWhite, journal

Bedridden for a while by HellyonWhite, journal

Account impersonation on Tumblr by HellyonWhite, journal

FICZONE 2014 dibujos! [Spanish] by HellyonWhite, journal