Monsters: The CockatriceHellraptorStudios on DeviantArt

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Monsters: The Cockatrice



Sometime you really need to do a Cockatrice and thus i have made one. This mythological beast is one of my favourite creatures from old folklore and tales. I wanted to create a unique looking one but letting it have a snakehead instead of a rooster head plus adding slithering snaketails growing out from its head.
It turned out pretty good and im happy with the end result. For you who dont know what a cockatrice is, its a cross between a a snake and a roster. It comes from a egg laid by a rooster and inncubated by a toad.

It can kill with with its gaze, have poisonous breath, makes man and beast sick. In some countries, including sweden its known as the basilisk. It has its roots in greek mythology but during the medival times, it got its rooster/snake look.  It was said that only a weasel could kill it aswell as hearing a roster crow. A brave warrior could also kill it with a shield shiny as a mirror.

Richard Kuulme (C) 2021
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1920x1436px 397.88 KB
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