TaurusHellobaby on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hellobaby/art/Taurus-174647627Hellobaby

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Hellobaby's avatar




- I remember last time I typed wrong tittle on Aries to Taurus and now finally Taurus (yeah, not wrong this time :XD:) :hug:. Well, I dont know how to draw bull (Edit: sorry but typo) :paranoid:
- Special for whoever was born under this Taurus sign:smooch:. I don't know why but this sign reminds me about the sun :meow:.

- Also, as I (usually) told on other works of zodiac/comments, I draw them when I have time so please stop sending me note to asking me where is the rest of this series. I promise I will draw when I have time so please don't ask that anymore:tighthug:.
Sorry if I draw Zodiac doesn't like your image or any info you read on book. I draw it on my way cause I enjoy & want it so please get over it:heart:.

Edit: I try to submit print but it doesn't work. Don't know why...I will try it tmr when I back to my home. I am packing now:XD::icontardyayplz:.

Tool: Faber Castell classic colors pencil + PS touching
-If you want to know more then go here FAQ. Please read before asking :hug:

Other works from Zodiac series:


:bulletwhite: Whole Series

:bulletyellow:Zodiac Calendar

Have a wonderful day and thank you for all wonderful supporting:iconlovelaplz:.
Take care my lovely DA friends:kiss:

Commission is opening, note me/email me if you are interested.
Thank you:cuddle:
Image size
550x550px 347.58 KB
© 2010 - 2024 Hellobaby
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GalacticPushity's avatar

Another make as cute as Aleaceus''oh god sew me.There's another...*rubs forehead*copyca.t...