CapricornHellobaby on DeviantArt

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*Thank you for all kindness requesting. Print is available now:smooch:*

- Capricorn from Zodiac series:la:.
It may come out doesn't exactly like what you read from this sign but I draw it from my feeling so just get over it :XD:. I draw this one in my style so you may see it different with what you image of Capricorn then:hug:.

- One myth says that when the goat-god Pan was attacked by the monster Typhon, he dove into the Nile; the parts above the water remained a goat, but those under the water transformed into a fish.

- I draw the goat head almost looks like skull, because I love skulls:giggle:.

Special for peoples who were born under Capricorn sign :cuddle::blowkiss:

Tools: Colors pencil & all questions can be found here FAQ. Please read before ask so it will save your and my time. :hug:

Other works from Zodiac series:


:bulletwhite: Whole Series

:bulletyellow:Zodiac Calendar

Have a wonderful weekend and thank you for all amazing supporting:love::iconkokorox:. Love you all:iconnewglomp::tighthug:

Commission is opening, note me if you interested:smooch:.
Image size
550x673px 383.47 KB
© 2010 - 2024 Hellobaby
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