HelleeTitch on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/helleetitch/art/Steampunk-Disney-Princesses-2-0-389143551HelleeTitch

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HelleeTitch's avatar

Steampunk Disney Princesses 2.0



Sooooo this has been a long time coming. As the founder of a Disney Steampunk Group, I see heaps of artworks in that category and the designs are always different. I love to see the designs others come up with and when I glanced back at my gallery, I realised it was 2 years ago that I finished up my series. 3 years since I started it. Since I've been neglecting my account a little, I decided I should submit something tantalizing for you steampunk Disney fans. And with the Disney Princesses all getting makeovers, I figured why the hell not revamp my Disney Steampunk?!

I am only submitting a group image of the Princesses only... it took me two years for the first batch and I don't have the time for that these days! But gee how my artwork has changed since the beginning!!

Anyway, here's the updated version, including Merida this time, seeing as though so many people requested her last time. Let me just say, her hair is a real bitch! ;)
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3972x1644px 4.37 MB
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moonlitinuyasha1985's avatar
Is steampunk not the best? :)