hellbat on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hellbat/art/Emirate-Xaaron-collab-435783320hellbat

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hellbat's avatar

Emirate Xaaron collab



Character profile for Emirate Xaaron.

I've used information from this Xaaron profile librarian-bot.deviantart.com/a… by :iconlibrarian-bot: and the information available on him at tfwiki.net/wiki/Xaaron for reference, as well as making some stuff up myself to make his character profile.

Awesome line art by the extremely talented :iconjoeteanby: who is also responsible for designing Xaaaron's cool looking alt mode from scratch, as its not previously been seen before in any comics (as far as I know anyway).

Colours by me.

The MTMTE page template has been supplied by Autobot-Windracer :iconautobot-windracer: and can be found here autobot-windracer.deviantart.c…

I've sort of turned these profile pages into a kind of series. Here's all the other characters I've worked on hellbat.deviantart.com/gallery…

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965x1508px 590.49 KB
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mechaishida's avatar
Would you like a G1-style tech specs card of Xaaron? I do them in my spare time.