New DA

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hellangel's avatar

I'm preparing to move accounts. It's already set up you can chance your luck and try to find me or wait till I post the link (hint: you can easily find it by searching for a certain oc). I want to have more work there first. You know like all the work I've been doing lately and the art I've been doing for MCM Manchester idk if I can go London yet. If you know my tumblr you should recognise some of it.

I decided this account won't be abandoned but I will use it for future rp group stuff maybe (even though I am taking a break from them right now).
As for my own work that will be on the new account as for commissions they will be posted to the sketch account unless I'm really happy how they turned out but most of the time I feel I let the commissioners down D|

Man so many accounts :T but basically I just wanted a new start and hope to fill the new account with art I've actually spent time and effort on and like myself. There is also some fanart there D8. I'd also like to be more active in commenting, favouriting, featuring other artists and so on too. I kind of slipped on this account. Truth is DA really started to annoy me so from now on I'm going to ignore the things I dislike here and focus on the things I do like and artists and watchers and so on.

Hope to see some of you again I'll begin re-watching people from today onwards <:

© 2011 - 2025 hellangel
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Tyai's avatar
Hurry with that link woman. LOL