What I See is Not What I GetHelkathon on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/helkathon/art/What-I-See-is-Not-What-I-Get-147501841Helkathon

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Helkathon's avatar

What I See is Not What I Get



The concept of this shot has an original-historical background.

It was very nice winter noon when I stepped out of my office a couple of years ago. The hazy winter sun was slowly and lazy shining all over the place, giving especially warm, calm and tasty touches to the colors of all surroundings. I had a camera at my back, so I made some shots and happily went home, rejoicing about such an amazing licks of the tones made by such a wonderful winter sun.

Surprisingly, shots seen on the computer after acquiring it looked ABSOLUTELY different. Yeah, it was definitely same place, the EXIF showed the right time, but the colors, the mood were incredibly different.

"Yeah, must be the white balance problems" - I thought, took my other camera and launched to the street.

The sun and colors there were almost the same as previous because the time between shootings was half an hour or very close to that.

The shots from the second session on computer looked absolutely the same as the previous. Yes, I double checked the WB, I was using several different sets during the second shooting, but the results on the monitor seemed to be almost the same.

And just seconds before running outside with my last camera, I realized that it was the first week I was wearing my all-new photochromic glasses...
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1600x1175px 440.86 KB
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EqualFx's avatar
aikstele prie minties-zirmunu g sankryzos :P