Welcome to The Biggest Problem In The Universe!HeliumLoaded94 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/heliumloaded94/art/Welcome-to-The-Biggest-Problem-In-The-Universe-544319488HeliumLoaded94

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Welcome to The Biggest Problem In The Universe!



"The show where we discuss every problem in the universe from ants to AIDS, with over 3.2 million downloads! This is the only show where you decide what should or shouldn't be on the big list of problems."

Next to A Dose Of Buckley, it's yet another addicting show on the Internet, or podcast. :) I've recently listened to TBPITU, and they have some of the best discussions heard, and I also appreciate the unique sense of humor and the cynical/comedic outlook on the everyday life. I've stumbled upon Mr. Maddox's and Mr. Masterson's work after seeing the glorious website by Maddox, as well as the Youtube channel. With that said, here's a simplistic fanart for the guys and the fans of the show. Hope you like it, guys, any comments are very much appreciated. Cheers, fellas!
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