Helios437 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/helios437/art/Doom-The-Icon-of-Sin-412620999Helios437

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Doom: The Icon of Sin



Whoa, you know those paintings that just take FOREVER?! Took me about a week! Been busy, and spent maybe 10-15 on it each time I sat down at my Wacom tablet. All up I probably spent 2-3 hours over the course of the week to finish it. 

So, it started off as a pic of the doom space marine with is gun. Then added the revenant and the mastermind (bit of in fighting going on there). Finally, I added the Icon of sin in the background, first just as a pretty basic cut and paste of the original wall textures, then decided 'Nah, Fuckit... Ima gunna give him a body!'. After a bit of perusing with google, I found some refrences from different mods and other fan art. In the end he kinda ended up like a giant baron but with spikey bits. I was thinking wings, but I kinda made it so he maybe had wings at one point, but they've either rotted off or have been torn off. either or. His stomach is kinda another mouth, with what I imagine is some kind of gateway into or out of hell? Now im really talkin out my arse...

Anyway, doom fans, enjoy!
Image size
3508x4961px 5.92 MB
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