Helios437 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/helios437/art/A-DOOMED-space-marine-355193135Helios437

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Helios437's avatar

A DOOMED space marine?


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Dude, seriously... stop trying to look staunch and turn around!

A doom pic I threw together. Ive been playing brutal doom lately, So I felt the need. Here's doom guy with a horde of creatures behind him. Id say he's got a good 2-3 seconds before that cyber demon's rocket launcher does its job... more than enough time for some demon killing action, right?
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3508x2480px 3.76 MB
© 2013 - 2024 Helios437
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johnyvincent's avatar

Time to kick butt and rip out some guts. Amazing piece of art the spider mastermind with the cyberdemon.looks great😍