Helin-and-Kosshi on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/helin-and-kosshi/art/Step-by-Step-Helin-839625976Helin-and-Kosshi

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[Step by Step] Helin



<Bringing Helin back to life.>

When school demands that you write a publication, but still allows you to pick the subject, what would you do? 
The first four steps in this format where drawn for the assignment. Afterwards, I thought to myself: ''Why shouldn't I just finish it and make a nice new format out of it?'' Well, true to my inner thoughts, a new format was born!

I also intend to upload the publication itself on Friday. Feedback will be appreciated, but that'll be for later!
Image size
2500x6700px 2.49 MB
© 2020 - 2024 Helin-and-Kosshi
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DrizDew's avatar
Aww... I understand why Helin is grumpy

Kosshi shouldn't have made her wait all this time. Being patient is just not her thing!
But at least we can all try ourselves at drawing her now!
I hope there will be many more Helins in the future :happybounce: