[DTIYS] Sky Keeper (for DashaSalty)Helin-and-Kosshi on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/helin-and-kosshi/art/DTIYS-Sky-Keeper-for-DashaSalty-997935251Helin-and-Kosshi

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[DTIYS] Sky Keeper (for DashaSalty)

Object  CosmosLocation  Helin & Kosshi


✒️ Our entry for a DTIYS, hosted by DashaSalty🍪

We call ourselves the Interstellar Embassy, but we are rarely actually in space. Today, however, we met with the Sky Keeper at the center of the cosmos!

This was a DTIYS event. The challenge was to draw this being of ultimate creation within a space background! I will be the first to say that Kosshi's skill with background drawing is not the greatest, so this was a good challenge. Surely we should be trying to draw more from today onward! Space is so vast... I am sure there are more planets for us to see and draw, non?

The challenge can be found here if you would like to join too!


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8000x6222px 9.28 MB
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ice-diameta's avatar

This is so pretty, I love the colors and background!💜💜🌌 I've always loved galaxy themed artworks since they look so beautiful and shiny, and it's great to see one drawn in your artstyle! Also the fact that there's a character added to the galaxy makes this drawing more magical☺️✨️