Helin-and-Kosshi on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/helin-and-kosshi/art/Birthday-Helin-s-Happy-House-837869027Helin-and-Kosshi

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[Birthday] Helin's Happy House



Helin smiley by Helin-and-Kosshi 
<An entry from Helin's diary!>
''Dear Dairy, today (last Tuesday) was Kosshi's birthday! Ghost 
While I didn't bring a gift, I certainly brought the cheers! Cheers... and confetti. Such pretty colours, all over the room! I've heard someone mumbling that I was making a mess, but that probably was just Steven, being his normal sarcastic mess. I guess the bats did clean up after me, but that's just so they allow me to throw even more of the coloured stuff! Yay!

Now, the party didn't last past the evening. The day that I'll show this entry to the public, almost a week shall have gone by. But it doesn't matter much that Kosshi's birthday is over, as long as the cheers of the date will pass onto everyone reading this!''
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DrizDew's avatar
More confetti, Helin!! There can never be enough~
I will help too!Cooky shooky BT21 - emoticon bunny - celebrate

I am sure Kosshi appreciated your cheers~