Heir-of-Rick on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/heir-of-rick/art/Downpour-582823109Heir-of-Rick

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I've lost my passion for art. About two years ago I stopped trying. Stopped learning, exploring, experimenting, enjoying drawing for the sake of drawing. And I'd say it was around when I mangled my arm that I stopped caring. I genuinely would have given up on the whole "Heir of Rick" thing if it weren't for my friends. I think I gave up on a lot of things around then.

There's just been so many moments where I know something is wrong, something needs to be corrected, or I could push something a little more, and I just don't. If only I pushed myself to learn a little, I know I could do more. But I don't. I haven't improved and it shows. There's nothing that I can do today that I couldn't do years ago.

I knew going into this I wouldn't be good at it. But it was still fun though. I guess I'm just tired now. And yet I keep doing it. I wonder if that counts for something?


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