Art Challenge: An-Obvious-Decoy's Fine ArtsHeir-of-Rick on DeviantArt

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Art Challenge: An-Obvious-Decoy's Fine Arts



My half of an art challenge with Madacon wherein we chose an artist and the other chooses a picture of their’s that we have to draw in our own style. I chose An-Obvious-Decoy, and he chose Fine Arts. I've always considered An-Obvious-Decoy one of the best pony artists out there. Everything he draws looks so phenomenal and expressive, and I just adore his style. So what are you doing looking at my crappy art? Go and watch him (if you aren't already)!

Can’t wait to see what Madacon does with his half!

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1200x1500px 166.45 KB
© 2014 - 2025 Heir-of-Rick
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olivebates's avatar
do u hav a fetish 4 big ears?++