Love is in the air! Now’s the time for you to celebrate Valentine’s Day by sending valentine-deviations to your special someones!
Take part and spread the love!
From now until February 16th, deviations in the Valentine Exchange category can be sent as valentines to your friends and loved ones. If you’d still like to create and submit a new valentine to be sent, make sure to submit it to the Valentines category before February 16th so your fellow deviants can share it!

How it works

Create Valentine-themed deviations and submit them to the Valentine Exchange category.

From now until February 16th, a special “Send a Valentine” button will appear on deviation pages for deviations submitted to the Valentine Exchange category.

Share the love
Your friends will receive the deviation you send, along with your Valentine message, in their Notes.
Heart-filled hints
- Deviations submitted to the Valentine’s Exchange category will be available for everyone to send. Avoid including specifics on your deviations - such as a deviant’s username, real name, etc.
- Fallen in love with one of your previous designs? It’s okay! If you’ve included text suggesting it’s for a lover, you can change the design to look as though it were to a friend or from a secret admirer, and then resubmit it.
- You can submit as many deviations to the category as you want.
- DeviantArt will strictly enforce our Etiquette Policy to prevent abusive, harassing, hateful and unwelcomed messages -- including when sending anonymously.
Latest Valentines sent
February 12
Send your Valentine
DeviantArt’s World Map has been updated to include valentine deviations! Watch valentines as they fly across the world to meet their loved recipient.