The new deviantART muro featuring Redraw!

10 min read

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Heidi's avatar

Sharpen your skills and showcase your unique technique in a whole new way.

<da:embed profile="redraw" id="295670138">

DeviantART's HTML5 drawing application, deviantART muro, now includes Redraw, allowing you to record your work as you draw. Every brush stroke, every layer, every little movement — all captured by Redraw. Save your work once you're finished and see your art come to life again in high definition playback.

Follow along as professional artists create works of art in their signature styles. Pause, rewind, or jump to a particular frame that interests you. Control the speed of playback, taking it in slowly or flying through quickly. Learn at your own pace from the comfort of your home.

Demonstrate your secret shading technique, the key to composing perfect backgrounds, how to use filters effectively, and much more. Post your newest Redraw for your friends and family to see, or help your fellow artists by sharing the Redraw deviation that will take their work to the next level.

Redraw provides insight into the creation of artwork like no other application can. Relax with a compelling look at the evolution of a piece, sure to please the art enthusiast in all of us. From amateur artists to highly skilled professionals and everyone in between, Redraw offers something for everyone.

© 2012 - 2025 Heidi
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Irisdoves's avatar

Ok I choose thi