DeviantART's official Comic-Con poster!

6 min read

Deviation Actions

Heidi's avatar
As a statement of empowerment and artist prestige, we're pleased to reveal deviantART's official poster for Artists’ Alley at San Diego Comic-Con – designed by the exquisitely talented Artgerm!

DeviantART couldn't be more excited to sponsor Artists' Alley for the fourth year in a row.  Our aim has always been to keep focus on those who not only make the entire convention possible, but provide us with a world of entertainment across all media: the artists.

Go forth and march with your creative brethren!

DeviantART San Diego Comic Con 2014 Poster by Artgerm

Get the poster!

Spread the word!

Arm yourself with the above image.  Plaster the poster on the walls of your bedroom or school, share the image across social media, design mash-ups and remixes to be submitted back online, or make print-outs and start your own local art revolution.  (The image is available for any use, as long as it's non-commercial and in the spirit of deviantART.)

What is art?

In keeping with artist solidarity, we want to hear what art means to you! 
  • Is art what gets you up in the morning?
  • Is it what you live and breathe?
  • Is it a way to connect with friends across the globe?

Leave a comment and finish the sentence, “Art is __________.”

'Add Media' functionality has been enabled for all deviants in this journal.  Feel free to upload your Comic-Con poster-related photos and images!

© 2014 - 2025 Heidi
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1DarkFate1's avatar
Art is my escape.