heeeeman on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/heeeeman/art/Oito-Jigoku-167726197heeeeman

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Oito Jigoku



Oito-Jigoku Hotsprings in Unzen, Obama-cho, Unzen-shi, Nagasaki, Japan.

The only editing done is the turning from colour to black and white, then tint with blue. The whole place is always covered with sulphourus steam so thats the awesome foggy effect in the image.

Part of a series of 3

Image size
700x700px 246.22 KB
© 2010 - 2024 heeeeman
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Urceola's avatar
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Vision
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Originality
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star: Impact

I like the technique of taking a really good landscape photo, converting it to black and white, and then tinting it with blue. For this landscape, it is a well-chosen technique.
The S-curve fufils at least two functions. It unites the picture, and it draws the observer's eye right deep into the background.
Mystery in a photo captures the viewer's attention. Here, the sky, the blue tint, the meandering road towards an unknown destination and the dark houses in mid-picture grip the viewer's attention.
The stones in the foreground are so well clarified, they provide a foil to the mistiness of the background.