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Hedonistbyheart's avatar

LotR: Not your fault



A silken mass of dark hair shifted softly. The muscled body rippled under the blankets, turning soundlessly away from the unmoving figure of fragility that lay beside it. And curled in against the sheets, quivering, blanketed in the covers of darkness.

It was warm, this comforting dark.

He started when a ghostly hand snaked its way around his body. The body tensed, forcing itself to hold still. Warmth pressed tenderly against his back, and tresses of pale hair brushed against his neck. A hushed breath swept over the silent tremors of his form.


The arms wrapped around him fully. Gentle lips caressed the trembling neck, and a soothing cheek rested against it.

The crickets did not sing tonight.

"Hush...don't cry..."

The moon did not enter the silent chamber. But darkness was comforting.

Enveloped in the river of infinite warmth, he clenched his teeth. And raked his shaking fingers into the sheets.

"It is not your fault...hush, my beloved, do not cry..."

And above the tender whispers that caressed the trembling silence, the moon did not enter the darkness of the night.

Tears of yesterday by Kasmi Kassim [link]

wah, I could not resist. This was so heartbreaking that I just had to draw it. Bless this fanfic-writer for writing such pretty, but terribly sad prose:heart:

Also, poor Elrond! Everybody stop leaving him, he doesn't deserve it!

Celebrian and Elrond belong to Tolkien
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emmiko28's avatar
love it; love it; love it!!!!!! :#1: