HedgehodgeMonster on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hedgehodgemonster/art/SEEING-EYE-PONY-253224973HedgehodgeMonster

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HedgehodgeMonster's avatar




Rainbow Dash acting like a seeing-eye pony for someone. I was told that the blind guy's cane was a bit hard to spot, and one person mistook this as being a human keeping her as some sort of pet, so I went for a title that made what was happening obvious.

The idea came about from a train of thought that involves the fact that RD might not have the patience for this kind of job.

Rainbow Dash is (c) HASBRO/ :iconfyre-flye:
Image size
1600x1716px 3.02 MB
© 2011 - 2024 HedgehodgeMonster
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ConorXPetunia's avatar
She even has horse sneakers. :XD: