HectorNY on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hectorny/art/Sensing-the-Presence-983151669HectorNY

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Sensing the Presence



Kumeri takes Lop and Tempest to Irerion when the presence of Jedi past was felt. There the trio explores and feels a presence never felt before.

Kumeri: Can you sense it, girls?

Lop: I know I do. I feel as if we're being watched.

Tempest: Me, too. It's as if we're being judged.

Kumeri: I know what you mean. If we train here, we may hear from the past Jedi in spirit. Their purpose is to guide us. Many are in the light and there are a few who reformed from the dark side.

Lop: I guess we should be extra careful.

Kumeri: You may learn some new force abilities as I have here. It's just a matter of using them wisely.

Tempest: I couldn't agree more. There's so much to see here.

Kumeri: Well, let's begin looking.

Krystal model by :iconcharleyfox: and :iconldragon:

Lop (c) LucasFilm
Image size
1586x744px 275.44 KB
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