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As the Stinger II turns around, Ankha totally expresses her gratitude to Fox and Krystal.

Ankha: This has been a wonderful experience. Thank you for all this.

Fox: You're welcome, Ankha. We don't often get a chance to give someone an opportunity to experience this.

Krystal: And you've been full of spirit during this week. We're glad that you enjoyed this time we had together.

Ankha: The only regret was not being able to test out that Pyramid Spaceship. I wonder where it went.

Fox: Who knows? But one day we'll find it again.

Krystal: We'll be taking you home on the Starhawk tomorrow. We'll also prepare a few things for you.

Ankha: Thank you again. It'll be great to come home and see my friends again. But at the same time, I'm sorry to be leaving all of you.

Fox: Since we have you in our data banks, you will always be welcome at the Alphabase. Consider yourself an honorary member of Starfox Earth.

Krystal model by :iconcharleyfox: and :iconldragon:

Fox McCloud model by :iconunrealfox:

Ankha (c) Nintendo
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1587x743px 193.69 KB
© 2023 - 2025 HectorNY
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ShadowQwerty64's avatar

Well, looks like Ankha's adventure is over. However, a big suprise awaits her home.