First ImpressionsHectorNY on DeviantArt

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First Impressions



Solanna has Fox and Krystal come to her quarters where they see Gadget finishing the touches of a vehicle that looks like a motorized hamster ball.

Fox: Interesting. What is it?

Gadget: I call it the Baller. I figure I need a way to get around this place of yours.

Krystal: She does have a point. A short walk for us would look like a cross-country hike for Gadget.

Solanna: It will be quite practical for her.

Gadget: I just need to give it a test run.

Fox: Just be careful when you drive it. You don't want to run into anybody's ankles along the way.

Krystal model by :iconcharleyfox: and :iconldragon:

Fox McCloud model by :iconunrealfox:

Gadget Hackwrench (c) Disney
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ShadowQwerty64's avatar

That vehicle reminds me of the gyro tank Gadget used in the Rescue Rangers episode The Case of the Cola Cult.