Exiled to the FutureHectorNY on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hectorny/art/Exiled-to-the-Future-793547985HectorNY

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Exiled to the Future



On the borderlands of the Forest of Mists, the strange doorway opens and slowly a feline individual walks out in cuffs. Saddened to serve what would be her life in exile, All she could think of is how her life has been one wrong turn after another. However because the court was merciful, she avoided the death penalty and was given life in exile. All because of a freakish accident that almost killed a nobleman. Now dressed in beggar's rags, she has a chance to start over again in this new world she has stepped into. As the door closes, her cuffs would disappear, freeing her. As she rubs her wrists, she prepares to hopefully start things with a clean slate.-
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Carwailea's avatar
Is this Katia the Khajiit?

Magical gateways like this appear in Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion, so it matches quite well with that world.