HectorNY on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hectorny/art/Checking-Her-Abilities-795933806HectorNY

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Checking Her Abilities



After walking a bit the feline anthro or Khajiit, as her species is called where she came from decided to test a couple of things. First she cups her hands to form a small fireball. She smiles in satisfaction. She then looks at a  small rock and concentrates on it. The rock begins to float up. Again she's satisfied.

"Great. My fire magic and telekinesis works in this dimension. But exactly what dimension I'm now in I don't know.  All right, Katia. Time to start new. One thing for sure is that you're not in Tamriel anymore. I left Hammerfell to start anew and had a number of experiences in Cyrodiil. And that adventure in Kvatch certainly game me new experience. Now hopefully I can be able to work well in this new world. Let's see what this world has to offer or my name isn't Katia Managan."
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Froexd's avatar
Well at least she survived the Oblivion Crisis and Alduin.