**********840 Femme FatelHeca-Bitch4Life on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/heca-bitch4life/art/840-Femme-Fatel-351114607Heca-Bitch4Life

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**********840 Femme Fatel



Excellent Blood Nordanner by BDSM-NordannerNordanner 1 Star Ribbon by sVa-BinaryStarNordanner 2 Star Ribbon by sVa-BinaryStarNordanner 3 Star Ribbon by sVa-BinaryStarNordanner 4 Star Ribbon by sVa-BinaryStarNordanner 5 Star Ribbon by sVa-BinaryStar<da:thumb id="376371313">
ID Number } 840
Stable Initials } WoWS'
Registered Name } Femme Fatel
Barn Name } Fame, Femmy or Missy
Breed } #Nordanner

Gender } Mare
Height } 17.2
Weight } 1,682 Lbs
Age } 12 Yo
Body }

Geno } Ee Aa nCr Dd Zz nPwl nFwn nBspl
Pheno } Silver Dunskin Peafowl Fawn Bloodsplash

Health } 10 - Excellent
Temperment } TBA
Vice } None.
Quirk } None.

Kaaring }
Kaaring Journal } [link]

Origninal Design } [Deleted]
Daily Tack } N/a
Dragon Tack } N/a

Purchase Price } $1,000
Net Worth } $15,000

Blood Lines }

------------------------------------------ SSS : Unknown
----------------- SS : Unknown
------------------------------------------ SSD : Unknown
Sire : Arina 474 {*x10
------------------------------------------ SDS : Unknown
----------------- SD : Unknown
------------------------------------------ SDD : Unknown

------------------------------------------ DSS : Unknown
----------------- DS : Unknown
------------------------------------------ DSD : Unknown
Dam : Shiya 98 {*x10
------------------------------------------ DDS : Unknown
----------------- DD : Unknown
------------------------------------------ DDD : Unknown

Breeding Rules } [link]
Breeding Slots and Karring Here } **********#840 Femme Fatel }Karring
Lineage no longer counts: Total: 151/400
TOTAL KARRING  246 karring points
From Art: 151
From Lineage: 95
:star: 15 points
:star: :star: 30 points
:star: :star: :star: 45 points
:star: :star: :star: :star: 60 points
[Star!] [Star!] [Star!] [Star!] [Star!] 75 points -  Best Mare
[Trophy]200 points - 10 extra free breedings Excellent Blood.
[Trophy] [Trophy] 400 points - Supreme Blood
[Trophy] [Trophy] [Trophy] 500 points - Personal Goal
Breeding Slots 10 +2
SKG Natfjer #1267 LVS-Nordanner [Bullet; Red]
DFF Estele #1278 Darks-War-Horses [Bullet; Red]
TFR Folly Of The Gods #1303 TsonianFieldsRanch [Bullet; Red]

Personality } Femmy way born from 2 of the sweetest nordanners out there so needless to say shes a little ball of loving fluff. She adores people and likes to crawl into your lap when you sit down. She quite innocent and loves to play with Bijou though shes mildly afraid of Killian. (Hes alittle to rough with her)
shes very timid and likes quiet nights but we must bring her inside for thunderstorms bacause she panics. Shes pretty much the baby of the farm and she knows it. Another thing is shes got a weird fascination with toes. We have no idea why but if youre wearing slippers she'll stand there and stare at your feet.

History }

Credits }

Breed © 2012 *AgerskovArt
Image size
894x894px 199.22 KB
© 2013 - 2025 Heca-Bitch4Life
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White--Swallow's avatar
So beautiful <3 i love  the tack