hchan on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hchan/art/ds-chara-faq-3-154364784hchan

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ds chara faq 3



list of faqs:
chara faq #1 - [link]
chara faq #2 - [link]
chara faq #3 - [you are here~]
chara faq #4 - [link]

Currently the final chara faq, which was a vote incentive
in nov 09. The first one, I always imagined Vix is secretly
addicted to lifetime movies...and I am sure she's spread
that addiction to her two best friends... but none of them
would admit to it if asked.

Second one is a true story. We said we'd never speak of
it, but the comedic value of the revelation at the end of the
movie was really too much to pass up xD

If you have something you want to ask one of my d*s
charas, PM me! I'll use it for a vote incentive :] ... but
try to keep it with the times of the comic [as to what
characters are currently introduced in my comic] so I
don't confuse people.

Btw I recommend other people do this with your watchers
or friends. It is very useful for chara development xD
Image size
684x4032px 1.61 MB
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What movie did you take the Lifetime clip from? Sooooooo curious...
...that and I'm not really familiar with Uwe Boll. Just that he sucks the big one. What're some others that you know of that were as bad as ITNOTK?