hchan on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hchan/art/ds-chara-faq-1-154364126hchan

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ds chara faq 1



list of faqs:
chara faq #1 - [you are here!]
chara faq #2 - [link]
chara faq #3 - [link]
chara faq #4 - [link]

old vote incentive for dream*scar... this was posted back
in nov 09.

it's the first three questions for my character faq series.
If you have something you want to ask one of my d*s
charas, PM me! I'll use it for a vote incentive :] ... But
try to keep it with the times of the comic [as to what
characters are currently introduced in my comic] so I
don't confuse people.

Btw I recommend other people do this with your watchers
or friends. It is very useful for chara development xD
Image size
988x1846px 662.03 KB
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sa0ri-chan's avatar
... Technically? Hahaha, I'm still wondering what that means! xD