Just a note on requests! I'm getting flooded with people asking me for them nearly everyday and I'm trying my best to remember who wanted what, I like submitting a few at a time so thanks to everyone who's been patient with me~! ^^
I'm a girl who likes watching anime (including hentai), reading manga, and playing video games! Lately I've been playing Pokemon BD on the switch and kinda just taking my time and loving it!! I'm still playing Stardew Valley back and forth on the switch as well as my laptop.
I really haven't been reading much manga or books right now as I'm getting bogged down with requests. I guess I'm just catching up on Notes/Chat on DA and sorting out which ones are art-trades and the other's requests.
I'm constantly doing requests, but prefer commissions. I also love doing art-trades~!
Keep in mind that I'm fairly lazy and constantly forget to reply to you guys, and will sometimes forget to draw your requests (just send me another Note/chat to remind me). Sorry!
Hey Sab! I know hey, had a pretty long holiday. Christmas time is always full on every year
It does suck about the DM's...I didn't realize that I was still logged on DA on my phone (my cousin wanted to check their account on DA) and it wasn't until a few days later that I noticed what happened.