Stop the RockHazelIzuki on DeviantArt

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HazelIzuki's avatar

Stop the Rock



^^; My first time drawing Kasumi.XD You can probally guess that my favorite Alien Nine character would be Kasumi.Lol. It took me a while to draw this, first time drawing roller skates. I tried to draw the borg in my type of style so it probally doesn't look like the original Borg. And I know the wings on the borg isn't that see able, but it's there.x_x I got the idea to draw this while listening to "Stop the Rock" By Apollo 440.^^ Hehehe, I love listening songs that came out years ago.XD
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370x430px 157.79 KB
© 2005 - 2025 HazelIzuki
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soudou's avatar
Adorable! I think your unique style really lends well to Kasumi, this is an adorable piece of art and really suits this character.

Alien Nine is a pretty unique series, I run a fansite for it at [link] if anyone wants to know more about this obscure show. :)