HaydenM on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/haydenm/art/Sleeping-Ocean-Fairy-107679323HaydenM

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HaydenM's avatar

Sleeping Ocean Fairy



::Edit:: Updated image; new background and lighting effects : added vapour and blue spherical aura.

This image won me a $25 USD prize of in-game items. woot for me!

For most of ya, this will be the first you've heard from me in many months.
One good thing at least from all this crappy isolation, I got all the time in the world to work on art!

For some reason, a lot of my new art has been based on Rappelz creatures, and my painting technique with Painttool Sai has maaaaasively increased since I practiced on that Aria Fairy pic I submitted last.

I have one of these Ocean Fairy in Rappelz.. oh how I miss playing with her.. xD

I got virtually no time to check messages sorry, and it could be a while longer before I even get to see what the response to this is, which is sad T__T. sharing art rules, especially when it's mine. ahahaha.

oh yeah, I broke my personal record for the amount of continuous painting in a 24 hour period. One day, I did a stunning 16-hour marathon. lmao. I've done other linearts from start to finish in 12 hour sittings too. whee rambling!!!

<3 you all!
Image size
1549x2100px 2.86 MB
© 2008 - 2024 HaydenM
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Zolea's avatar
What a beautiful bp *.*