Butterfly Brushes Ihawksmont on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/hawksmont/art/Butterfly-Brushes-I-89931161hawksmont

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hawksmont's avatar

Butterfly Brushes I



I was kinda busy lately, but I haven't forgot about you, my friends. I'm gonna be more active from now on so be prepared :)

There are 9 big brushes created in Photoshop 7. To optimize the size of the file I've packed a little smaller butterflies, but if you need bigger ones just send me a note with your emai.

In this bigger version butterflies are 1500+ and the file is 7MB. I also have third version where wings and bodies are separated (9MB) Note me if you need one of those :)

II part Butterfly Brushes II
III part Butterfly Brushes III
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MagzL's avatar
Wow, Thanks for these.. i love butterflies.. hugs